


春風拂面,萬里碧空,百鳥爭鳴,繁花盛放。 余觀教墳,細視墓碑,小則五日,長則百年。 不論尊卑,不分貴賤,是皆人者,終有一死。 生者我欲,死者我惡,生辰忌日,豈有人定。 天地萬物,物各有主,生故有辰,死亦有時。 生之者也,志氣並存,志及天下,氣有神韻。 死之者也,志埋氣衰,志不出門,氣猶槁木。 有謂生者,稱之曰死,渾渾噩噩,行屍走肉。 有謂死者,稱之曰生,志留汗青,世家相傳。 是故有云,生不為生,死不為死,生不如死。 泱泱中華,浩浩九州,五千長河,浪沙淘盡。 博覽群星,雖過千秋,辰星依舊,不朽不滅。 青山不改,江水長流,渺渺人生,哀哀須臾。 人之起頭,乃謂之生;人之盡頭;乃謂之死。 生之始也,道之者也;生之絕也,永生者也。 死之始也,罪之者也;死之絕也,消散者也。 道生萬物,罪咎萬事;志存永生,志亡消散。 我命由我,孰生孰死,循由吾志,適行善道。 富貴有命,生死有時,物競天擇,本無大公。 蜈蚣百足,行不及蛇,雄雞兩翼,飛不過鴉。 沖天之志,非遇時運,莫得貴人,不能自通。 文章蓋世,孔子陳邦;武略超群,太公渭水。 顏淵命短,殊非惡徒;盜跖年長,豈是善輩。 堯帝明聖,子出不肖;瞽臾愚頑,卻出孝子。 名權利色,百舸爭流,蒼茫大地,誰主沉浮。 人生逆旅,光陰如金,好惜年華,無怨無咎。 德足懷遠,信足一異,義足得眾,才足鍳古。 山峭則崩,澤滿則溢,才華固善,穩厚者勝。 知足者吉,多願者苦,苟得者短,多私者敗。 同志相得,同智相謀,同類相依,同義相親。 遇人以禮,遇事以敬,審察其身,知其好惡。



YoungStars Circle‘s [International Talent Enrolment Program Application]

Dear esteemed members of the academic community and ambitious students, We are delighted to announce the launch of the YoungStars Circle’s groundbreaking initiative – the “International Talent Enrolment Program.” Designed to foster academic exchange, enrich experiences, and provide an exceptional platform for international talents, we extend a warm invitation for you to participate in this exciting opportunity. Program Objectives: Program Details: If you are a distinguished professional within the academic…

YoungStars Circle:聚焦頂尖青年人才的學術交流與成長平台

「群星匯聚,此間少年」YoungStars Circle 學習小組 YoungStars Circle,又稱港澳台明日之星圓桌會,是一個旨在聚集港澳台頂尖青年人才的組織。該組織的目標是提供一個共享知識、學習成長和社區服務的平台,讓優秀的未來之星彼此砥礪和扶持,共同成長和貢獻社會。 YoungStars Circle注重每位成員的自主學習能力、自律性和積極性。他們的創辦人指出:「獨學而無友,則孤陋寡聞。一個人可以走得很快,但一班人可以走得很遠。」因此,YoungStars Circle鼓勵成員通過共享資源和組織學習小組,透過相互交流,共同提升學術能力、專業技能和個人發展。 YoungStars Circle 的成員大多來自港澳台地區頂尖的高校。因為組織是由2024年北京大學港澳台高中生領航計劃中孵化而來,所以他們能夠很快匯聚一眾對學術追求的精英人才,一起奮鬥,一起成長。 YoungStars Circle 共同成長計劃 為了實現他們的目標,YoungStars Circle 將開設多個共同成長計劃: 1. 每週六晚線上交流會 首先,YoungStars Circle 會在每週六晚會舉行線上學術交流會,讓成員們分享和討論學術相關話題,包括學科研究、科學創新、人文社會等領域。這些交流會不僅促進了成員之間的知識共享,還提升了他們的學術能力和研究素養。 2. 學習資源共享平台 其次,他們會建立成員專屬的學習資源共享平台,匯集港澳台頂尖高校的學習資源,包括優質教材、學霸筆記、歷屆試題等。這些寶貴的資源將幫助成員在學術上取得更高水平的成就,激發他們的創造力和研究潛力。 3. 學術研討小組 此外,他們會設立學術研討小組,由成員組成,定期舉辦學術研討會,深入探討特定學科或主題,促進學術交流和研究合作。這些研討會提供了一個交流思想、分享經驗的平台,激發成員之間的創新思維和學術合作。 4. 鼓勵參與社區服務 除了學術領域,YoungStars Circle也非常注重成員的社區服務意識。他們鼓勵成員積極參與社區服務活動,與當地非政府組織合作,推動正能量文化、教育公平和青少年發展等領域的發展。希望將所學知識,回饋於社會,成為社會未來的棟樑。 Follow YoungStars Circle IG!

30-Day Gratitude Challenge Day 30 Why Gratitude Matters?

Day 30 Today is my 30th consecutive day of my gratitude challenge, marking the completion of my challenge. I must say a few words regarding my experience during this challenge. It has been tough but fulfilling, and although at times it has been harsh, the rewards have been great. I consider myself not naturally optimistic, at least during introspection. I often harshly demand myself and criticize what I could have…

30-Day Gratitude Challenge Day 29 Introspection on Career —What cause wealth and poverty?

Day 29 Today marks my 29th consecutive day of the gratitude challenge, with just one day left. Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to contemplate the intrinsic nature of a career and what truly generates wealth. Introspection on Career It is a blessing to be born in a modern society where the risks associated with our careers are relatively smaller compared to the past. We no longer have to…

30-Day Gratitude Challenge Day 28 Introspection on romance preference

Day 28 Today marks the 28th day of my gratitude challenge, and it has been a challenging day as I traversed through N.T, Kowloon, and Hong Kong Island. Despite the difficulties I faced in studying and raising funding for GCC, I found solace in a meaningful dinner with my legal mentor, Leonard, and fellow mentees. Introspection on romance preference During our conversation, we delved into profound topics such as the…

30-Day Gratitude Challenge Day 27 Art of Relationship Management

Day 27 Today is my 27th consecutive day of my gratitude challenge, although it’s challenging to write thousands of words every day apart from the intense workload of daily life, I think it’s worthwhile to make room for self-reflection and self-regulation. When I look at my extremely busy schedule, I wonder how graceful it is to have time with different mentors every day. Not only do they provide guidance and…